Want to learn more about the importance of early childhood development, the benefits of investing in young children, and how national research is guiding our work in Kent County? We have put together resources for parents, news about what is happening in our community, and the latest research about early childhood.
Parents are their children’s most important teachers
As a parent, you are already your child’s first and best teacher. The things you do every day help build your child’s brain and nurture his or her development and learning.
Begin with this resource page source for parents in Kent County to learn more about early childhood development and the resources available in our community.
First Steps Kent in the News
More funding means more playgroups, home visits, help for county families of young children
Kent ISD — Services that provide a foundation for school readiness for Kent County families are benefiting from a new round of two-year funding… [→]
School News Network February 02, 2022
$9 million awarded to tax-funded early childhood programs in Kent County
Kent County’s early childhood millage has awarded $9 million to 28 programs this year aimed at improving the health and school readiness of children… [→]
Mlive January 14, 2022
RAPID Goes Local: Community-Specific Content for Community-Specific Needs (
Since the early weeks of the pandemic, advocates and policymakers have relied on RAPID’s survey results for up-to-the-minute snapshots of America’s… [→]
Early Learning Nation June 02, 2023
GRCC receives $1M grant to support 'Play and Learn' groups
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Grand Rapids Community College’s “Play and Learn” groups will be better able to support the community’s youngest learners and… [→]
FOX17 January 06, 2022
Dig into the Research on Early Childhood
First Steps Kent partners with organizations across the nation to build effective early childhood systems. Learn more about our national partners:

Interested in learning more about the importance of investing in early childhood?
Explore these websites to find research and data that will guide your understanding: