Want to learn more about the importance of early childhood development, the benefits of investing in young children, and how national research is guiding our work in Kent County? We have put together resources for parents, news about what is happening in our community, and the latest research about early childhood.
Parents are their children’s most important teachers
As a parent, you are already your child’s first and best teacher. The things you do every day help build your child’s brain and nurture his or her development and learning.
Begin with this resource page source for parents in Kent County to learn more about early childhood development and the resources available in our community.
First Steps Kent in the News
Child care providers to receive toys, sanitation supplies with $450K grant from Kent County
Child care providers in Kent County are set to receive easy-to-clean toys, virtual learning curriculum and sanitation supplies thanks to a $450,000… [→]
MLive September 16, 2020
County, aiding parents as well as children, allocates latest round of Ready by Five early childhood millage grants
The goal of the ongoing Ready by Five early childhood support programs, funded by a countywide milage passed in 2018, is to provide “dedicated and… [→]
WKTV December 09, 2020
Grand Rapids 200
Grand Rapids 200, a comprehensive list of the most powerful executives in more than 20 industries in Grand Rapids. [→]
GRBJ November 17, 2020
Kent County awards funding to help child care centers
Kent County officials announced the grant Wednesday, Sept. 16, saying the funds will be distributed through First Steps Kent. First Steps Kent is a… [→]
WoodTV September 16, 2020
Dig into the Research on Early Childhood
First Steps Kent partners with organizations across the nation to build effective early childhood systems. Learn more about our national partners:

Interested in learning more about the importance of investing in early childhood?
Explore these websites to find research and data that will guide your understanding: