The Little Things are the Big Things

You are your child’s first and most important teacher. That can sound scary and overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. You don’t need fancy lesson plans, or art projects, or flashcards to be a great teacher. You need to play with your little one. Talk about what you see and do. Sing songs and read books together. Be there for hugs and laughs and tears.

The first few years of life – between birth and kindergarten – are when your child’s brain will grow the fastest. Little things during everyday moments make a big difference. Folding the laundry, walking down the street, and eating lunch are all chances to help your child learn new words, practice counting, and pick out colors and shapes.

It has been a hard few months for parents. COVID-19 has added a lot of stress to all our lives. We want to take away some of that stress and remind you that the little things you do are helping your child learn, grow, and develop. We’ll be sharing simple tips this summer. Many of them will be things you already do every day. Some may give you new ideas.

You got this!

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