Outreach and Navigation Roundtable

In early June, about 15 Navigators from Outreach and Navigation programs funded by the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage met virtually to discuss the following question, “How do we effectively share information between agencies in the Navigator network?”

Solutions brainstormed included leveraging shared technology, access to similar resource guides, and regular connection with other Navigators.

What was developed through group consensus was the formula for an effective Navigator Roundtable to ensure connection and alignment among all Ready by Five Outreach and Navigation programs. This work will ensure families receive quality information from all programs, allow the network to discuss best practices and tools, and equip navigators with a network of peers to learn about updates and changes with resources – something that is especially important in these current times.

In July, the Navigator Roundtable will be meeting again to discuss successes, challenges, and updates with resources that address the Social Determinants of Health, Child Care, and in-home services including Home Visiting.

This idea for the Navigator Roundtable sprouted during conversations about alignment with leadership from agencies providing Outreach and Navigation services. Agencies currently providing Ready by Five Outreach and Navigation Services include Family Futures, Family Promise, Health Net of West Michigan, and Kent ISD with the Great Start Collaborative of Kent County.

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