Cash Assistance for Child Care Providers

Child Care Providers may benefit from a new cash assistance resource available through the Heart of West Michigan United Way's 2-1-1 referral system. This resource is available for Kent County residents who have you been laid off or had their hours reduced by half as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

If you meet all the criteria and provide the needed documentation, you will get a one-time payment of $500 deposited into your account within about 3 days.

Here's what you can expect when you call:

You will be asked if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are the primary earner in your home (it is okay if there are other earners in your home bringing in income, but you need to be the main earner)
  • You make $50,000 or less a year, and 
  • You lost 50% or more of your income after March 1, 2020.

If you meet the criteria, you will need to provide the following: (taking photos of these documents will work, they will send you a link to upload documentation)

  • Name of your business
  • A photo ID 
  • A check stub or something that proves your income
  • A bank account for the deposit

If you meet all the criteria and provide the needed documentation, you will get a one-time payment of $500 deposited into your account within about three days. Call 2-1-1 today to learn more and see if you qualify. 

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