March Into Reading Month: The Importance of Reading to your Child

March celebrates reading month! First Steps Kent and Great Start Collaborative highlight the essential role of reading right from the earliest stages of a child's development. Engaging your child with books, from infancy through preschool, lays the groundwork for a lasting appreciation of reading and education.

For infants (0-12 months), book time is about rhythm, visual stimulation, and emotional development. Choose bright, simple books and describe the pictures. This interaction is not just about reading; it is about nurturing a sense of wonder and association with happiness. As they grow, let them turn pages and hold the book, making reading a tactile experience.

Toddlers and preschoolers (12-60 months) are ready for daily adventures in reading. Spend 15 minutes diving into stories, exploring covers, and guessing plots together. Discussing stories as you read encourages curiosity and critical thinking. Point to words and pictures to demonstrate how reading works. Be expressive; different voices for characters make stories come alive. Remember, it is allowed to skip pages or move around—flexibility keeps reading fun. Most importantly, model a love for reading. Seeing you engaged in books shows them reading is enjoyable and valuable.

Let's celebrate reading this month and every month, creating endless opportunities for learning, discovery, and bonding with our children. For more reading tips and tricks, check out Happy reading!

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