Re-Opening Resources for Child Care Providers

The Kent Child Care Crisis Response Team came up with a helpful Poster for Re-Opening. Please post this Health Screen poster where parents/families can see it. It helps parents/families know and understand the protocol.

It is also available in several other languages, please email Megan Streng, if you would like another version of this poster emailed to you.

Resources are from Early Childhood Investment Corporation and Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Afffairs (LARA).

On May 21, 2020, LARA released their Guidelines for Safe Child Care Operations During COVID-19. All child care providers must develop and implement a COVID-19 preparedness and response plan consistent with these guidelines. The response plan must be available at your site/company headquarters and made available to families and staff.

Build-A-Plan Tool

With the spread of COVID-19, child care providers are being asked to develop and implement new health and safety protocols to ensure children, families, and staff members are as safe as possible. Are you a child care provider working on your preparedness and response plan? Or do you work with child care providers who are creating their plans?

The "Build-A-Plan Tool", designed by the Policy Equity Group in partnership with  Hope Starts Here Detroit to help your program meet new state requirements, will help you meet all these requirements in a way that makes sense for your individual program. All of the relevant requirements and recommendations from LARA as well as the CDC and other sources have been integrated into this tool to save you time and effort.

Build your plan here.

For up-to-date re-opening information go to and

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